Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Pottermore or less of it?

Considering that at the moment a Pottermore craze is going on, I have to reshuffle my writing. Personally, I only like going through the chapters, but have finished book 1. If anyone knows when book 2 will be available, let me know. Anyway, since you're all in the mood for Pottermore, I have to ask what you would like to read next? My Harry Potter fan-fic? I have to warn you though, my style of writing isn't like J.K Rowling's, and it's quite different. I find myself with a window of opportunity. I can write anything I want now. I have the chapters planned out in my head. All you have to do is tell me, what would you like next? Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Welcome to Blogland? Or Stolen. Some of you who are members of my other blog will know that I decided not to continue showing you that, since I hope to get it published latter in life. But I can trust you all. And look down, everything I put here is copywrited. So tell me what you would like. By tomorrow, I'll decide and write that, but you have one day. Make it count.


  1. If it's not too late, I ditto Eve. I want to read more of Welcome to Blogland too. :)

  2. It sounds so strange when you're all saying Welcome to Blogland. It's like you're all saying hello.

    I would have said the same anyway. What's funny is you can call it WTB. That may sound random to you but to me it means What The Blog.
    I'm gonna shut up now.
